It now seems as though nothing not even god can stop the flaming hot new york Yankees from loosing a game. During yesterdays Yankees Orioles match up the yankees got the serise sweep against the slumping team. Those Orioles have no where to go but up now. Hopefully they will for the sake of the team just staying in the mlb! I mean, the team is terrible, their manager is terrible, their GM is terrible, they have no fan base, and the only time they draw a crowed is then the Yankees or Red sox are in town. The only thing the Orioles have going for them is the fact that they have good young pitching down in the minors and that they have one of if not the best looking ballpark in Camden Yards. Yesterdays game against the Yankees will most likely be Manager Dave Trembly last game ever handeling this team, i will be very suprised if it wasent. I don't even believe he ever manage one major leauge club for the rest of his life, mabye the minors but defanatly not the majors. Meanwhile while the O's are about to down like the stock market in 2008, all is well back in the Bronx where the yankees are only two games out of the AL east lead with the slumping Tampa Bay Rays having a, I guess one would say a much earned day off. Ha not me though. Up next for the yankees, they are going to be playing the i guess you can say suprising Blue Jays. They have been slumping lately so we will see how things pan out for the bombers.